Monday, 27 February 2012

Long time no blog.

Sorry I haven’t updated for a while. After that snow I spent a few weeks updating the health and safety paperwork, doing some planning applications and planning some mowing work. Not the kind of exciting things I like to post about : -)

But more recently I have been getting things moving again. Most notably strimming the sides of Reach Lode Bridge. I have only got the South side done so far. I am hoping to organise some contractors to continue the process with some mowers over the year to get the grass established on the banks. It is hard work doing it by hand and climbing up and down the steep banks won’t be good for them in the long term.

There are many things on the list to get done, and I am sorry that they are still waiting. Notably they Omega signs for Burwell Fen, Tubney Fen and Oily Hall that were stolen and fell off are in need of being replaced, the big concrete blocks still need moving from the Lodes Way and lots of small tidying up jobs.

My main focus for the coming weeks is getting some areas cut. This is for two reasons. Firstly ground works for the creation of a bridge over Burwell Lode are due to begin. Sadly this does not mean that we are in a position to actually build the bridge! But we are in the position to get the ball rolling. Secondly some areas are being targeted to control notifyable weeds. By cutting now we prevent ground nesting birds from taking up residence as the grass grows longer in the spring. Only a small area will be affected and there is plenty of room elsewhere for them to take advantage of.

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Wild Camping, Geology, Archaeology and Snow!

Firstly here are some pictures of where we are with the Wild Campsite. We still have a lot to do but they are taking shape. The next big job is to get the roofs on. A group from the Perse School have then agreed to help start the next stage in March. The next stage being building the toilet, grassing the roof and making the fire pit.

Geology, Archaeology

We went to a really interesting talk on the Archaeology and Geology of Wicken and Upware at the Wicken Village hall on Saturday. I had no idea that there was so much interesting stuff at Dimmocks Cote Quarry. Bronze Age burials, houses, a barrow, a possible religious building, and learned plenty about the geology of the area. Including finding out that the fossils we found in the Burwell Bund borrow pit are Bivalves and over 100,000,000 years old!

Finally The Snow

Here are some pictures from Sunday. Check out the 8ft tall snowman at the Wicken Visitor Centre and the other ones next to the door and at Upware.