Monday, 24 September 2012

Wicken Lode bank

It may not look like the most exciting picture in the world but it shows an hours work to clear some scrub from Wicken Lode’s bank. It was good to get out of the office and my tractor cab and get stuck into some chainsaw work, even if just for a bit.

The Environment agency is re-profiling the bank to get it all to the correct height, level and with a track at the bottom. Here are some more pictures of the work the EA have done, pretty much just a chap with his digger.

Sunday, 16 September 2012

The grass is sown at Reach….

Alf got the seed drilled at reach this morning. We put in a conservation grass mix including Cocksfoot, Tall Fescue, Timothy, Meadow Grass and Clover.

For any tractor enthusiasts check out what he used to do it:

Slightly different to this old drill I took a picture of at Haddenham Rally last weekend (now I am not an expert and this drill will no doubt have been used to drill something completely different but you get the idea!):

With a spot of luck it should be being rolled as I type the project at Reach can take another large step forward. For anyone who is not aware we are working with the local community at reach to provide some space for projects such as woodland creation, a cricket pitch and orchards. This link is a bit out of date but has some info:

The plan for the rest of the week it to keep chipping away at all the maintenance on the Lodes way and footpaths. Plenty to keep us buisy.