Firstly a thank you to John for blogging over Easter while I was enjoying a long weekend in Cornwall!
We've all been recovering from the Easter Holidays this week, trying to squeeze a weeks worth of work into 4 days. I spent Tuesday visiting all the sites out on the wider nature reserve, doing a bit of a litter pick and just seeing how they were all doing. Having been busy on Tubney Fen for so long it felt like it had been a while since I'd seen some of the other sites, so it was nice to catch up with them. It looked like people had been enjoying getting out into the countryside over the Easter weekend, which is great to know as it makes our work feel even more worth while!
The foals are coming thick and fast now, and the first calf of the year has been born! In order we have, born on Saturday to Red Morag, the little girl calf Dandilion. Then on Sunday, two foals, a colt called Monty (short for Montagu's Harrier) to Kaluna, then a filly to Willow called Warbler. Then to finish the set this week Oriola gave birth to another colt which has been named Buzz (short for Buzzard).
Dandilion with mum Red Morag and then taking a nap |
Kaluna and little Monty |
Willow with new little one Warbler |
The Rangers went on a day trip yesterday, to visit some of the local Suffolk Wildlife Trust sites. We spent the morning at Bradfield Woods looking at the bluebells and how they manage a coppiced woodland. As we have very little woodland it was a good oppertunity for us all to expand our knowledge a little bit. We then popped into Lackford Lakes before heading back to Wicken to welcome our new Strategic Manager Joan, and to say goodbye and good luck to Amanda whose now off on maternity leave.
The Bluebells at Bradfield Woods |
Andy and Anita try to identify woodland plants |
Martin telling us about coppiced woodland |
John and I having a quick sit down while watching large machinery split logs |
A pretty bluebell. |
Thanks to Ruby and Carol for the pictures.