Next the plan is to:
· Build frame to take the back wall and shutters· Build the front frame including the door frame
· Add batons to the walls to take the cladding
· Build the frame of the toilet
· Build the ramp to link to the clay ramp
· Put joists in the roof
· Plank the roof
· Clad the walls, we have got waney board for this (a log cut into planks with the edges left wobbly to try to match the style of the log shelters)
· Edge the roof with thick waey board
· Clad and finish the toilet (apart from the seat this needs a nice bit of wood I am waiting for)
· Fix the corners of the cladding where the edges but up against one another
· Build the shutters and door
· Get earth onto the roof and add grass seed
· Sand everything that needs to be sanded
I’m glad I wrote that down as I now have a proper plan.... hope it works out like that.
In other news I finally got the tops of the handling unit cut off and it looks nice and smart, in a kind of rustic way.